Packages and Therapy Plans

Everything you’ve ever done in your life started with a thought. 

A thought is like a seed hidden in the womb of the earth.  Under the right conditions, it will take root and send out those first tentative shoots into outside world.  If the shoots are nurtured, they will grow, and as the plant grows up towards the sun, the roots must grow deeper into the earth which will keep the plant secure. 

It’s often been said that people are like plants, just with more complicated emotions. 

What we focus on grows – so the thought-seed in your mind puts down roots and begins to grow.  If you keep focusing on it, it will eventually bear fruit, becoming something tangible – either physically in your body, or it will manifest in your relationships and the world around you.  That is why it is so important to be rooted and fed by an environment/thoughts/relationships/habits that nurture you. 

And your own roots need to be deep enough so that you become unshakable, resilient and can survive drought.  With deep roots you can grow confidently and ‘expand’ to bless those around you.  ROOTS FIRST, BRANCHES SECOND.  First you have to nurture and be able to sustain yourself, and only then will you have the ability to give nurturing and sustenance to others – you can’t give what you don’t have.  So this plan is an opportunity for you to take stock of your life, your thoughts, your habits — and tend to your roots.


  • Consultation, Rebalancing Diet Plan, Recipes, Breaking the Pain Cycle exercises, Herbs and a Rebalancing Massage: £180
  • Holistic Therapy package consisting of Consultation, Rebalancing Diet Plan and Regression or Therapy: £360*
  • Consultation, Massage, Diet Therapy Plan & Herbs treating Women’s Issues: £295*
  • Massage session: 80min including mini consultation and 60min massage therapy – £85
  • Massage therapy package of 3: £255 less 10% = £230 (£76 per massage)
  • Massage therapy package of 4: £340 less 15% = £288 (£72 per massage)
  • Past Life Regression / Current Life Regression (resolving childhood / past trauma) – £70 per hour
    *Prices are approximate. The reason for this is that the price will depend on the issue, herbs needed, therapies used and duration/number of sessions. Please complete the form below for a free 20min phone consultation to find out more about what your package will look like. Payment plans are available.

20% Forces/Veterans
discounts are available.

Now that you are clear about where you are and where you would like to be, you need a map of how to get there and a guide to help you navigate the route. 

“One person’s medicine is another’s poison”

There is so much conflicting advice out there — it’s literally a minefield of information!  Ayurveda teaches that you should always work WITH your body instead of trying to over-ride it with your will.  The problems is that every body is unique, so what is healthy for one person may even be harmful to another.  This is why it is helpful to have skilled guidance and a tailored plan to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.